Ngaire Tagney Primary Library
The Ngaire Tagney Primary Library is the first completed project as identified by the School’s recently developed Master Plan. With general library stacks, reading areas, meeting rooms and administration areas, the Library provides a much needed facility to the primary school community.
Project Details
Brand + Slater Architects
450 Wondall Road, MANLY WEST QLD 4179
John Slater, Brand + Slater Architects
$ 2,300,000
Project Overview
The Ngaire Tagney Primary Library at Moreton Bay College saw its inception in an identified need in the College masterplanning process. The BER program allowed this project to proceed earlier than originally planned but created the impetus to tackle a number of issues identified in the Master Plan. The primary goal was to create a fun and stimulating resource centre that allowed the Junior School students a place they could gravitate to in their quest to learn. The building provides both formal and informal spaces for the students to congregate for reading as well as associated meeting rooms, work rooms, book stacks, computers etc. On the broader issue of siting, an opportunity presented to use this new building as the catalyst to create a more appropriate entrance to the Junior School precinct of the campus. With the Junior School administration being positioned deep within the built environment and away from the main setdown and car parking areas, there was a lack of entry. It was decided to create an entrance plaza that connected the existing administration building with the new library, giving a sense of arrival. The civic nature of this space allowed the Library to contribute to the school/public interface as it was a condition of the BER programme that external community groups could have access to the new facilities. With a number of different building styles presently dotted across the campus, a new palette of colours and building form was generated with this building that is intended to be used as a template for future building work and refurbishment of existing buildings. The Ngaire Tagney Primary Library is Moreton Bay College’s first major building to be finished under their new Master Plan and is the first step in modernising and unifying the College.