Our Conferences

Our Annual Regional Conferences have been at the forefront of shaping learning environments for over 20 years.

Organised by architects and educators for architects and educators, our Annual Regional Conference and Regional Day Out (RDO) are the junctures where members and supporters come together to debate, explore and shape the future of learning environments.

They are unrivalled opportunities for professional development and networking, with a smorgasbord of thought-leading speakers, workshops, site visits and presentations.

View the 2025 Conference Website
LEA 3001: A Learning Spacy Odyssey




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2025 Annual Regional Conference


Welcome to LEA 3001: A Learning Space Odyssey – the 23rd Annual Learning Environments Australasia Conference to be held from 7 – 9 May 2024 in Brisbane/Meanjin.

In this journey we transcend the boundaries of traditional learning environments and embark on an expedition into the future of education.

So get ready for some blue sky thinking. But before we journey further, let us provoke your thinking.

…..what do learning environments in the future look like?…..what if our classrooms were not just places of instruction, but incubators of innovation?….what if instead of preparing students for jobs that exist today, we equip them with the skills to create jobs for tomorrow?…..

…..imagine a classroom where the walls are not barriers, but gateways to knowledge…..where learning is not confined to textbooks, but extends beyond the horizon of imagination…..

Is that the essence of a learning environments in 3001? A dynamic infusion of technology, innovation, place and human connection?

In 3001, every student is an explorer equipped with the tools to navigate the vast universe of information, augmented reality, virtual simulations and artificial intelligence are not just buzz words….they are integral parts of pedagogical landscapes.


In LEA 3001: A Learning Space Odyssey, we will try to tease out all of the threads of of the rich tapestry of humanity, where different perspectives are valued and cultural exchange is essential.

Where people learn not only from each other, but from the physical world that we inhabit and that nourishes us. Where learning extends far beyond the confines of traditional spaces.

We look at our connection to place, landscape, our response to climate as a dialogue rather than a thing that we try to control. Join us on the land of the Jagera and the Turrbal people in Meanjin, Brisbane.

Here learning isn’t passive but interactive, where students actively engage with the material shaping their own educational odyssey.

Where the big brown snake, Maiwar, will welcome us on its epic journey into the future of education.

LEA 3001: A Learning Space Odyssey isn’t just a vision. It is reality.

A glimpse of what education and learning environments can be when we dream together and reach for the stars.

Together, lets embark on this adventure and shape the future, one lesson at a time.

We look forward to seeing you in Meanjin, Brisbane in 2025.