Learning Environments Australasia is a volunteer based organisation, administered by the membership. Our people are the key to our success.
Meet the current Learning Environments Executive, Regional Council, Chapter Committees and LEA team.
The Executive includes six Directors (Chair, Chair Elect, Past Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and International Director). The International Director is the Australasia Region’s representative to the Global Board of A4LE (Association of Learning Environments). The LEA Executive manage the finances, risk and strategic direction of LEA.
Regional Council
The Regional Council includes the LEA Executive plus representatives from each Chapter. The Council is the working arm of LEA and drive the various initiatives such as awards, marketing, website, membership value etc.
Chapter Committees
Chapters Committees organise the day to day running of the Chapter and Chapter activities.
Our Team
LEA is effectively supported by a dedicated team that manages our Administration, Communications, Marketing, and Awards Programs.