Thwaites Centre, Guildford Grammar School
The project comprises of 3 functional elements, executive administration, learning space for the Catalyst Program and learning areas for math and english. 2 key elements of the brief were to create a ‘front door’ for the senior school and express the vibrancy of the Catalyst program as a key focus of the senior school’s pedagogy.
Project Details
CHRISTOU Design Group
11 Terrace Road Guildford Western Australia 6055
Kent Peters, Bursar (Guildford Grammar School)
Robert Frith, Acorn
Project Overview
The architectural idea stitches together the natural riverine landscape of the floodplain, the courtyards of the school and the perpetual movement of the urban road network. The design begins with a responsive plan which creates 3 distinct courtyards, one for each of the past, present and future.
The entry sequence rises up the Headmasters Hill into the courtyard of the past, a celebration of the school its history and its location on the edge of the river and floodplain. Entering the administration building the main school quad, chapel and urban edge of the school come into view, leading out this side of the building is the courtyard of the present. The final courtyard is the internal catalyst courtyard, and represents the future for Guildford Grammar as it will house the activity and vibrancy of the catalyst program.
The architecture develops from a response to the massing and articulation of the brick buildings which exist on campus and the soaring volume of the chapel. The development of 3 articulated elements, the solid mass of the classrooms and learning environments; the verandah element is a response to the older buildings on campus and provides a transitional space in the tradition of the verandah between inside and outside; the third element, an enclosing skin which connects the elements and extends the architectural envelope and allows it to respond to its environment, picking up on the motion of the street, reflecting the verticality of the chapel, and providing a sunshade or acoustic shroud.
The composition of landscape, courtyard and building create an immersive environment, respectful of the site history but innovative in design and reflective of the school motto, ‘Go Forward’.