Hymba Yumba Community Hub
Project Details
Deicke Richards
6 Springfield Parkway Springfield, Queensland 4300 Australia
Deicke Richards
Christopher Frederick Jo
Project Overview
Hymba Yumba Community Hub is an independent school in Springfield, Queensland. The school is committed to an innovative approach to education and community development for Indigenous young people and their families. It supports young people to achieve their full potential, contributing to the spiritual, social, cultural, political and economic life of their family and community.
Hymba Yumba Community Hub is an independent school in Springfield, Queensland. The school is committed to an innovative approach to education and community development for Indigenous young people and their families. The purpose built facility occupies a small and constrained site, bordered by natural bushland and tall eucalypts. The design of the building shields the school from Springfield Parkway, a major road on its eastern boundary; vertical sun shades and solid brickwork create a formal street presence. By contrast, the western elevation of the school is open and warm, activated by the constant presence of students and staff. It focuses attention on shared, accessible open space and the powerful visual and emotional impact of the adjoining bushland.
The south western end of the building is occupied by the library at the first floor level, with child-care, prep and year 1 beneath. General learning areas, the artroom and science laboratory, occupying first and second floor levels, all have access to comfortable break out spaces, overlooking the bushland and ground level open space. Ground level uses include the commercial kitchen and servery, elders room, entry and administration areas.
Among the strongest ideas sustaining the design response are the building’s embrace of the shared gathering space and the bushland, and the way the western elevation supports and amplifies the social and emotional life of the school.
Future stages of the project include proposed accommodation for up to 20 students onsite, a dedicated music room, youth worker spaces and more general learning areas.
“The curriculum is contextualised – drawing on the cultural heritage, values and strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Hymba Yumba aims to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in their community, society and economy as resilient and confident learners.” Board member, Rachel Hunter