Adelaide North Special School
Project Details
Walter Brooke Architects
135 Douglas Drive Munno Para , South Australia 5115 Australia
Walter Brooke Architects
$13,050,000 excl GST
David Sievers Photography
Project Overview
A new location and identity for Elizabeth Special School.
Recently renamed Adelaide North Special School, the new, purpose built facility provides for students with Special Needs, including students with severe and multiple disabilities. It provides a positive outcome for the students, caregivers, parents and staff, where all are valued.
Elizabeth Special School (now known as Adelaide North Special School) provided the following mission statement:
‘At Elizabeth Special School we strive to make our school a secure, positive, caring community of students, parents, caregivers and staff where all are valued and can experience success in an educational setting.
We focus on developing students learning in accordance with the principles of Social Justice and Equal opportunity. We strive to develop each student to their maximum potential, with emphasis on communication and independent living skills. ‘
The Educational Brief highlighted the need for flexibility in teaching and learning and in play for students with varying needs. Learning spaces needed to provide choice, the learning common, secure outdoor play, team teaching with neighbouring classes as well as discrete learning zones within each room. The school commented Walter Brooke actively listened to the complex ‘dreams ‘ we wanted for the perfect classroom and school.
The Central ‘Park ‘ provides a large private and secure area for play and activities and provides opportunities for interaction between the sub schools. The simplicity of an oval shape creates a logical path for way-finding and a sense of progression and achievement for the students as they move through the year levels. Each of the sub-schools is separated by their outdoor learning spaces. This allows for vistas of the adjoining golf course and views of the hills and the external environment from the ‘Park ‘.
At moving time the staff raised concerns regarding how our students would transition to the new site “Would they cope? Yes they did ! It was as if they had been at this school already “.
Adelaide North Special School has recorded a significant decrease in challenging behaviour and therefore have a more engaged learning community. The flexibility in how the school can deliver teaching programs has enabled a more student centred model that firstly caters for students needs and enables teachers to deliver a high quality education.
The school commented ‘Our students deserve the best and they now have it. Our relationship and memories of working with Walter Brooke will stay with us for many years. They have helped us to achieve our dreams. ‘