Taikurrendi Children & Family Centre
Project Details
Outerspace Landscape Architects
8 Price St Christies Beach , SA 5165 Australia
Outerspace Landscape Architects
Don Brice
Project Overview
A showcase Aboriginal Children and Family Centre, Taikurrendi reflects and responds to the cultures, languages and stories of the children who attend the Centre. The Centre features art and sculptures by local indigenous artists referencing traditional stories and provides open-ended play and learning opportunities.
Taikurrendi Children & Family Centre was developed as one of 3 Centres providing early childhood development programs and services for Aboriginal children from the pre-natal phase to five years of age and their families. The Centres are a key strategy in COAG ‘s commitment to ‘Close the Gap ‘ in life outcomes for Aboriginal people and intend to be a positive strategy to address Aboriginal disadvantage from a number of perspectives.
Outerspace, in collaboration with Viesturs Cielens design and artist Cath Cantlon, were engaged to develop the concepts and documentation for the outdoor learning and community spaces for these three important Centres. The projects are designed with specific Aboriginal needs in mind and are seen as a model for future Centres throughout Australia. The plans were guided by the issues highlighted in the “Indigenous Design Considerations ” reports for the 3 sites, prepared by the University of Adelaide Centre for Indigenous Research and Studies.
Particular to this project and a significant design challenge was ensuring the cultural elements were embedded in the environment in art forms. Across Taikurrendi, there are visual references to the Kaurna Dreaming story of Kondoli the Whale and other cultural symbols and representations. The duel intent of the landscape design was to provide a range of outdoor play spaces that also offer cultural learning experiences. This was achieved through clarity of purpose and understanding between Outerspace and the building team to ensure common language and meaning was developed through the integration of architectural elements, landscape, play and art using culturally appropriate signs, symbols, representations, materials and colours.
Outerspace have created an outdoor environment that fosters connectedness and learning for our children with a unique aesthetic that honours the local community.