Salvado Catholic College
Project Details
Paterson Group Architects
115 Abernethy Road, Byford, WA, 6122
Kiril Petrov
Project Overview
The Project Scope was to masterplan, a 1600 student staged development of a Kindergarten to Year 12 (K-12) Primary and Secondary High School in Byford, Western Australia.
Stage One includes an Administration building, Covered Assembly and a Teaching Block with associated site works.
The completed K-2 Stage One building form takes cues from contemporary architecture set in a rural landscape, cognisant of the dominant presence of the Darling Scarp to the east. It aims to create a distinct building form that is identifiably Catholic welcoming and open to all.
The roof form of the buildings is consistent and dominant in all cases, providing a strong visual reference to a European approach of creating shelter in a rural landscape, based on observations of indigenous structures. The design taps into a unique (albeit recent) history of place-making in a rural Australian context (ie. the “glorified shed”).
Our aim was to provide a space for students, staff, parents and local community groups to assemble, engage and learn through the creation of inviting spaces that draw people in. The Teaching Block courtyard has the function of providing a safe environment for students, parents and teachers to gather, learn and communicate.
The Covered Assembly Building makes a subtle reference to faith clearly visible from the campus point of entry. It is able to accommodate school assemblies, weekend worship, before and after school care as well as after-hours/weekend community groups. It houses an integrated canteen and public toilets and multiple storage spaces have been provided for community groups. The building facade opens up to the school campus and extends the gathering space to external seating steps.
The Administration Building reaches out to the community at large through the dominant overhanging roof form and invites people to enter and shelter in the centre of the campus.
Public Art has been used to project the Catholic ethos outward to the larger community through its location and use of colour and symbolism.