LINC Building, Emanuel School
The LINC Building was noted by the Awards Jury for its good use of materials and the attention paid to external spaces.
Project Details
BKA Architecture
Commendation, Category 2: New Facility Construction – Individual Facility
20 Stanley St, Randwick, 2031
Joanna Ju
Stephen Edwards Construction
Project Overview
Located in Randwick, Sydney, LINC is a new building at the Emanuel School, a co-educational school for students from pre-school to year 12. The name of the building has two meanings – firstly, it acts as a physical link between the upper campus and the lower campus, making use of a previously steep, unusable part of the campus. Secondly, LINC stands for lead, inspire, nurture and create, describing the educational focus of the building, which is performing and creative arts.
The architecture is a direct response to contemporary learning and educational environments, which shows that teaching is more varied and flexible and requires physical environments that support new modes of learning. In response, the LINC building is innovative in that it offers a series of flexible spaces that could serve numerous functions and be transformed effortlessly into something completely different. A multi-level, multi-function building was therefore designed, comprising a four-room art precinct, eight flexible classrooms, associated breakout spaces, staff offices as well as a yoga/ gym space, a multi purpose learning area and a performance space.
The challenges of a steep site and the adjoining buildings of varying architectural styles and scales also influenced the design outcome, resulting in a building that is sensitive to its context while also maintaining its own architectural significance. Shading of the curved façade allows the students to observe seasons through the changing shadows.
The new 200-seat performance space is located below ground, but with the entry from one of the terraces which doubles as a play space for children during the day and a theatre forecourt when a performance is scheduled.
The performance space adjoins a multi-purpose learning centre, which can be turned into a foyer and reception area when a show is on. During the day, senior students use this area as a leadership and learning centre to enable group-connected work and for presentations.
The students feel strongly connected to the building and enjoy transforming spaces easily according to their specific needs. The feedback from teachers and students has been positive – the most common remark is how pleased they are with the effective and efficient use of the small area.