NSW Chapter- Canberra site visit
20 Aug 2012
A regional visit to two exciting learning places in the ACT.
CEFPI NSW organised a regional excursion to Canberra to visit two exciting schools. The event was well attended with over 60 participants, which included a mix of architects, educators and facility managers, from ACT, NSW and Victoria.
The trip commenced with a morning visit to Radford College Junior School, in Bruce, where the early learning is based around the Reggio Emilia learning principles and the College is part of the Round Square group of schools.
Before commencing our tour, the Principal, Phillip Heath, gave attendees an overview of the College background and current planning for the future of the high school facilities. The tour included a variety of primary spaces as well as the early learning centre. The College provided delegates with morning tea at the conclusion of the visit with opportunities to ask further questions.
After a break for lunch we moved onto Gungahlin College, winner of the CEFPI Australasia Education facilities Award for 2012. Before a comprehensive tour of the facilities we were briefed on the project background by Jurgen Lebang from the ACT Government, Munns Sly & Williams Boag, the architects, and the Principal, Gai Beecher. The tour allowed participants to wander freely through the Hub building featuring the main learning spaces as well as the theatre, visual arts and library, which is shared by the community. The College provided refreshments at the end of the tour, and a further opportunity to question the design of the facilities.
The day proved valuable for all attendees with a generous amount of discussion occurring during the tours.
We are thankful to our sponsors including Geofloor who attended the site visits and to the Colleges for hosting us and being so generous with their time.