What happens at an LEA event? Watch our new video to find out!
21 Aug 2018
The members of Learning Environments Australasia organise over 60 events each year to promote and share best practice in quality learning spaces.
If you've ever wondered what happens at an event, wonder no more!
LEA's Victorian Chapter has produced a video of their site visit to Wyndham Tech School. Located on Victoria University's Werribee campus, it's a shared high-tech learning environment delivering education for 12,000 secondary school students across 18 partner schools.
As well as site visits, our members organise workshops, symposia, research programs, Awards programs, think tanks, debates and our annual regional conference. These events aim to promote innovation and share best pratice in the design, construction and use of learning environments.
We'd love to you to see you at an event soon! You can find more about upcoming events here.
Members receive discounted registration to most events, so why not join our global movement of over 5,000 learning environments professionals?