A Ton of Awards
04 Feb 2012
With nearly 100 entries, Victoria Chapter’s annual Educational Facilities Awards in 2011 were the biggest in its eight year history. The awards continued their focus on education, innovative planning and collaborative processes and this was reinforced by the 6-person judging panel representing educators and planners equally. Since its inception in 2004, the Chapter awards program has steadily grown in significance and interest in Victoria where it now provides an unparalleled celebration of our members extraordinary contributions to the education sector.
The awards were presented at a cocktail function held at the University of Melbourne in November 2011 with Chapter members joined by the Regional Committee who were attending the annual Council meeting also at the University venue. Award winners and the commendations across all five categories can be found at: http://cefpi.org.au/awards/2011-awards/2011-victorian-chapter-award-winners/