A4LE members vie for WA Architecture awards
06 Apr 2016
Now in its the second year, the WA Institute of Architecture Awards Education category is proving to be immensely popular. It is testament to the development of educational facility design that this separate category gets bigger every year. The high level of architectural design in educational buildings in our state is being showcased, and it's been great to see this category go from strength to strength.
This year there are 16 projects nominated, from 11 different firms, nine of whom are A4LE members, including Armstrong Parkin, Broderick Architects, CODA Studio, EIW Architects, JCY Architects + Urban Designers, Parry & Rosenthal Architects, Sandover Pinder Architects, Site Architecture and Wilkes Architects. The research, collaboration and respect for the creation of learning spaces of our organisation members is evident as we build this body of work together. Winners will be announced on the 1st July.
Good luck to all who have entered.