Accessibility Scale

accessibility disability Inclusion, diversity, AMPLIFY Conference LEAD Awards Learning Environments Australasia Design (LEAD) Awards Architect Design Conference 22nd Annual Regional Conference Melbourne Learning Spaces Architecture School Design Master Planning CPD Continuing Professional Development


At Learning Environments Australasia, inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do, especially when it comes to our events. We are dedicated to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their accessibility needs, feel welcomed and empowered to participate fully in our Regional and Chapter events.

One of the key ways we uphold this commitment is through our Accessibility Scale. This innovative tool provides comprehensive insights into the accessibility features available at each of our events, empowering attendees to make informed decisions about their participation.

At LEA, we understand that accessibility is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why it is the responsibility of our event hosts (generally each Chapter) to diligently assess event venues and allocate an appropriate Accessibility Level in accordance with our Accessibility Scale. This ensures that attendees have clear and transparent information about the accessibility of our events, enabling them to determine their suitability and plan accordingly.

To further enhance accessibility, we encourage our Chapters to prominently display the Accessibility Scale graphics on the event RSVP webpage, located on the LEA website. This enables easy access to vital accessibility information and reinforces our commitment to creating inclusive spaces where everyone can fully engage and contribute.

At LEA, accessibility isn’t just a checkbox – it’s a fundamental principle that guides our actions and shapes our events. Together, we’re building a more inclusive community where every individual’s needs and abilities are valued and respected.




All due care and attention has been taken to ensure that our events adhere to the correct Accessibility Level. The Accessibility Scale provided serves as a guideline and is based on information available at the time of publication from the venues/locations/site tour locations. We strive to ensure our events are accessible to all participants. However, circumstances may change and factors beyond our control may impact the actual accessibility of an event. For detailed information or clarification regarding accessibility features of any specific event location, we encourage participants to contact the hosting Chapter, or contact our Administration Manager: Your comfort and convenience are important to us and we are committed to providing the necessary support to ensure your event attendance experience is enjoyable.