Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, Moorabbin: Building 3, Health Sciences
An environmentally sustainable, state of the art, specialist building for nursing and health sciences; Building 3 was erected out of planning processes between the design team, key stakeholders, end users and community engagement. Through this information and desire to build a 5 Green Star Rated Building (GBCA awarded 2012), that this educational facility was born.
Project Details
Paul Cater
Commendation – Category 1B New Construction, Major Facility
Holmesglen Institute of Tafe, Moorabbin Campus, 488 South Rd Moorabbin, 3189 Victoria
DL Design Group
David Ascoli
Project Overview
The facility comprises of four large teaching wards, microbiology and bioscience laboratories, two simulation suites, a community apartment, an allied health laboratory, lecture theatres, general teaching spaces, a co-operative learning centre, computer laboratories and teaching and administrative staff offices.
The facilities have state-of-the-art equipment, reflective of highest industry standards. The Building was awarded by the Green Building Council Australia, Five Star – Design Rating.
Some of the key “green aspects” to the building include; a reduction in car parking, increased bicycle facilities with storage & change/wash areas, sustainable materials used, rain harvesting, motion sensors for lighting, a gas cogeneration plant, doubled glazed high performance windows and significant levels of insulation to walls and roof. The Building will continue to reduce energy consumption levels by 15% per annum.
‘Building 3’ has allowed the teaching faculty to implement all Holmesglen’s training objectives. Since opening, it has attracted the attention of commonwealth and state governments, simulation specialists and those involved in the development of facilities nationally and internationally. Despite being in its infancy, it is already being widely acknowledged as being a leading health professional training facility.
The building design was founded on research that involved extensive scoping of internationally recognised simulation facilities in Australia, the US, UK and Asia and successfully captures and combines elements of innovation and best-practice.
Incorporating simulation features in a way that has not been done in Australian undergraduate health professional education to-date posed a challenge for the architects and meant that the communication between their team and the end-users was particularly vital. Subsequently, the planning process was comprehensive and the resulting ease of interface between teaching staff and the facility can be attributed to the involvement of end-users at all stages.
Community consultation was key influencing factor and played a big part in the orientation, location and size of the building.