Dalyellup College – Stage 2
Project Details
Paul Rossen & Alan Henderson
Wake Drive Dalyellup , Western Australia 6230 Australia
Geoff Chinnery
Robert Frith, Acorn Photo
Project Overview
Parry & Rosenthal were engaged to Master Plan and total procure Dalyellup College Stage 2 on an existing developed
site consisting of a middle school positioned around a central courtyard. Works include enlarging & modifying the
existing reception & teaching areas, developing two learning centres, D &T facility and support facilities.
The stage 2 works include enlarging & modifying the existing reception & teaching areas, developing two new learning
centres, a Design and Technology facility and associated support facilities. The new buildings provide state-of-the-art
facilities in the use of technology, science, computing and design & technology, with the overall layout and classrooms
providing more flexible learning and teaching spaces.
The new buildings have been designed to be in keeping with the existing site development. The use of polished
conventional concrete block combined with glazing creates clarity of architectural language and a durable and timeless
expression. Internal spaces are designed for specialist uses with an emphasis on openness, natural light and
ventilation, universal access, excellent acoustics and legibility. Teaching spaces are provided with views out to the
natural environment and are linked with wide learning corridors vertically connected by open glazed stairways.
Careful attention to the landscape design provides an interface between the buildings and the outdoor learning areas
providing for passive and active recreation.