Scotch College Middle School
Project Details
Taylor Robinson
76 Shenton Road, Swanbourne WA 6010
Leigh Robinson
Project Overview
A new Middle School for Scotch College including a 2 storey General Learning block for 450 students in years 5, 6 and 7; a new Library for Junior and Middle School students, College Gallery space; Arts Studios, Multi-Purpose Room, Food Technology Studio and Canteen. A new underpass now links the Junior and Middle Schools with the Senior School.
A series of the existing single storey 1960’s buildings were demolished to make way for the new two storey Middle School and Library Gallery buildings. The former Junior School Library and Art buildings were retained and completely refurbished to ensure they were well integrated in with the new architectural language of the new buildings and the new teaching spaces created enable the 21st Century teaching and learning pedagogy to be delivered.
The development of the Middle School has enabled the relocation of Year 8 students from the Senior Campus into a 21st Century learning community for students in Years 6, 7 & 8 of their schooling. They are now safely connected with the senior campus via the new pre-cast concrete underpass across the busy Shenton Road.
To the north of the new Middle School building a landscaped ‘quad’ has been created to enable outdoor learning opportunities directly from the Library, Food Technology Studio and Art Rooms. The space is also a connector for students as they transition down to the main playing fields further to the north.
The existing embankment along Shenton Road, complete with existing mature trees was landscaped to incorporate the existing mature trees to create a ‘green’ screen or buffer to Shenton Road and the residences opposite.
The architectural language for the new buildings take their design queues from the surrounding architecture of both the residential (Shenton Road) and institutional (Scotch) buildings further along Shenton Road.