DATS Centre, Mount Erin Secondary College
The award application provided an excellent overview of the impressive range of teaching and learning affordances offered by the space, for current and future needs.
The annotated photographs describing the range of teaching and learning activities supported by the space would empower teachers to experiment and continue to understand the design intent, years after the completion of the facility.
Project Details
Commendation Category 2 New Construction/New Individual Facility
Robinsons Road, Frankston South VIC 3199
Lisa Horton
Peter Clarke Photography
Project Overview
The Design, Art, Technology & Science (DATS) Centre incorporates curriculum areas in core subjects whilst providing an opportunity for cross disciplinary interaction and learning. The building is designed to maximise the use of specialist facilities including laboratories, studios and workshops by providing spaces for theory, collaborative group work and discussion adjacent to these environments.
The design developed three learning zones in the DATS building due to the sloping site. This has enabled quite distinct learning precincts to operate while maintaining the flow from front to back with the open central area that runs the length of the building. Combining Design & IT, Arts, Technology and Science, it’s a dynamic and active learning space for all students. Within the central area, there are many flexible learning spaces that can be used for small group work, with computer hubs and stand-up stations as well as a mini auditorium for lectures and presentations. It has proven an outstanding link for the classroom teachers. The vast central spaces provide the opportunity for performances, presentations and displays. The building has enabled a significant change in the way groups of students can be brought together. The auditorium has enabled a more university oriented lecture space which has proven highly engaging for senior students. The facilities have also opened the opportunity for community engagement, which remains one of our key priorities.
Having a Deaf Education Centre operating as an integral part of the school, the augmented sound system across the building has had an immediate impact on both students and staff alike. The high level quality of the finished spaces has created a very quiet, well insulated learning environment. The overriding feature of the new facilities is their aesthetic beauty. They are functional yet highly engaging and beautiful spaces to work in. The design features are striking, colourful and have engendered a great sense of pride across the school.
Karen Lee Principal