CEFPI WA Chapter Compendium – Project submissions deadline extended
26 Jun 2013
Calling all WA Chapter members: Do you have an educational project or innovation that has exceeding expectations, done something new or different or is just is all-round a great place to learn?
Every year we see examples from the Eastern states of their latest designs, and we think it is WA's turn. So CEFPI WA is planning to compile a compendium of recent educational spaces or innovations, centred around a theme of sharing experiences and telling the stories behind the projects. We are currently looking for eligible projects, completed no earlier than January 2011.
Projects can be large or small, and may be facilities, external spaces, exhibitions, collaborations or innovative processes. Inclusion of projects in the Compendium will be merit-selected by the Editorial Committee. Entry is encouraged by all CEFPI members, not just architects, and should be emailed to dani@eiwarch.com.au by August 9, 2013.
Please submit a brief description of your innovation (max 300 words) along with a max of 2 internal images and 2 external images, as appropriate. If selected, further details will be required later in the year.