Explore the “how to” of an Educator-led STEAM retrofit – Regional Day Out Workshop #5
02 Oct 2017
The 5th Regional Day Out, in Brisbane on November 10, has a host of workshops and site tours to help you plan, prepare and design new and existing learning spaces.
And none more so than Workshop #5: St Aidan's Anglican Girls School. This workshop is a must for all educators embarking on a new build.
St Aidan's The Link is an exciting ecosystem of learning in which people, place, ideas and technology are connected by a sense of 'play' and student well-being is nurtured through creative design and expression. It links St Aiden's to the real world of Start-Ups and other STEAM and Creative Industries.
Deputy Principal Toni Riordan led the The Link's planning to ensure that school and educational priorities aligned with the building initiative.
Toni will present the leadership strategies, planning processes and design phases of The Link, including:
• the leadership journey of The Link’s focus group of school staff and external stakeholders via the project control group,
• the educational drivers which shaped the framework for the planning and designing of the new learning spaces,
• the curriculum and co-curricular programs to be delivered, and
• the shift in pedagogy required to support the learning and teaching within the school’s new-build.
For more information on this and 6 other workshops and site tours, and our keynote speakers, download the Regional Day Out program.
Tickets are $200 for members, $250 for non members and $75 for Students (limited tickets). Tickets include two workshops, one site tour, morning and afternoon tea, lunch, and networking drinks. All prices are excluding GST. Register now!
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At Woods Furniture we believe that education is of the utmost importance, not just for the children of today, but for our world tomorrow.This fundamental belief has driven our team, for over half a century, to study how children learn from a behavioural, ergonomic and cognitive perspective, and to develop furniture that is flexible, adaptable and stimulating. At Woods, we’re for flexible learning.
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