Fusing retail design principles with library learning spaces: Aldinga Library
27 Sep 2017
Learning Environments Australasia's SA Chapter concluded its final site tour of the year at the recently completed Aldinga Library for the City of Onkaparinga Council.
Deb Aukland and Kristi Cook from Brown Falconer Architects provided a presentation of the design evolution for the project, which interestingly fused retail design principles with library learning spaces for an actively engaged community.
These principles included:
- ‘The threshold’: where first impressions are made and interest is captured.
- ‘Walking a path’: Circular circulation pathways gives maximum exposure to all the types of spaces.
- ‘Leading the eye’: Using eye catching graphics, display and furniture at destination points
- ‘Speed bumps’: Special features to slow people down and invite them to linger.
- ‘Comfort’: Welcoming places to settle and stay.
The tour was followed by our SA Chapter General Meeting.
Marino Rossi