Submit your EOI for the 2018 Mayfied Project – a fun and challenging PD opportunity!
13 Dec 2017
Do you know a young professional who's looking for a fun, challenging and exciting PD opportunity in learning environments?
The Mayfield Project is Learning Environments Australasia's bi-annual research programme that brings together young architects, planners, teachers, education administrators, education consultants, policy makers and students.
Past participants have gone on to develop successful careers in learning space management and design, and credit The Mayfield Project for giving them a huge leap in their professional development. Check out previous Mayfield Projects here.
We are looking for creative, committed and passionate young professionals to form two multi-state teams to go in to a school and reflect, find relevance and revolutionise their learning space. One of the outcomes of the project will be a real prototype in a space, in a form developed in consultation between the school and the Mayfleld Project group.
The two teams will work closely with their selected school from January 2018 and meet face-to-face in April 2018 over three days to put their plan into action. Following this, all participants will be required to present at the Regional Conference in Sydney in May 2018.
Flights and accommodation will be paid by Learning Environments Australasia.
Note: the candidates will be responsible for their registration to the Sydney conference of $575 per person, and meals and any other on location transport and incidental costs over their two Sydney stays.
A presentation will also be made by the successful candidates reporting on their research and the Mayfield experience to their local LEA Chapter after the conference.
Expressions of interest should be in written form, with a brief description of the candidate’s reason for wanting to be part of the project, and a short CV (no more than one A4 page total).
Applications should be sent to your local LEA Chapter Chair by COB 21 December. Questions? Contact Helen on